I started coding a crafting system, and it’s working, except for one small problem. It doesn’t check for every material, just one. I tried different ways of fixing it (foreach loop, for loop, if statement in both of those, etc.), and I’m stumped. Anybody know what I’m doing wrong?
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.UI;
public class CraftButton : MonoBehaviour {
public CraftingRecipe recipe;
public Sprite icon;
public Button craftButton;
Inventory inventory;
public bool canCraft;
void Start ()
inventory = Inventory.instance;
void Update ()
if(canCraft == true)
craftButton.interactable = true;
} else
craftButton.interactable = false;
public void Craft()
if(canCraft == true)
Debug.Log("materials not found");
public void CheckForMaterials()
for (int i = 0; i < inventory.items.Count; i++)
if (inventory.items _== recipe.Materials*)*_
canCraft = true;
Debug.Log(“crafting materials found”);
* }*
public void RemoveMaterials()
* {*
* for (int i = 0; i < recipe.Materials.Count; i++)*
* {*
_ inventory.Remove(recipe.Materials*);