Checking trigger/collision of another gameobject separate from the one the script is on

Not sure how to word this exactly, so I’ll just give a sample of code. I’m just wondering if there’s a way to do this without making 2 scripts. I have a simple AI that paths around, and I want it to chase the player when he walks into a collision zone. So this script would be on the enemy

void onTriggerEnter(Collider coll){
        if(coll.gameObject == player){
               //do stuff
         //so is there a way to do something like this, in this script?
         it(chaseArea.coll.gameObject == player){
               //do different stuff
               //basically checking to see if someone collided with the chaseArea GO in the same script

Is there a simple solution to this? Or do I just need to make another script and reference it? I’ve been using unity for a while and I’ve never managed to figure this one out.


Why not just make one script and attach it to different objects that represent the zones, i do not know why you need different scripts ?