Cheetah 3D animation import issues.

Hi, I am a newbie trying to get my animations to import and run correctly from Cheetah 3D (version 5.1) into Unity 3D (version 2.6). I have placed the .jas file into the assets folder and Unity has converted each Cheetah "take" into an animation clip. I am able to play the animation through scripting, but I am not able to loop any of the animations. I have used the same script on other non-cheetah animation files and used the FBX importer with those files to set the animation defaults with no problems. But the Cheetah files are not working.

Any ideas???

Additional info follows...

In my script I am calling animation.wrapMode = WrapMode.Loop; in the start() function The FBXImporter is set for not baking or splitting animations, but Animation wrap mode is set to Loop.

Thanks, Dakota

Well, Apparently I needed another cup of coffee.... I had the "take" lengths in Cheetah wrong. Once I fixed it and re-imported, the scripts worked fine.

Crisis averted....
