Cheetah3D vs Cinema4D vs ??? for Unity3D usage

Up until now I had been working with mostly “out of house” talent and now we’re looking to bring some of our asset development in-house and we’re trying to figure out which of the two tools: Cinema4D or Cheetah3D we should look for someone to use for asset development on the Mac. The other options were Modo and Lightwave but they don’t seem to be mentioned with any regularity or have a lot of exposure when it comes to testing Unity.

Would anyone please give me an idea of which application Cinema4D, Cheetah3D, {or some other} would give the most complete import of material, animation data, etc. into Unity? The most important thing is the workflow to Unity.

for Mac only and If cost isn’t an issue I would look at Cinema 4D as it has nice 3D Painting tools, easy import workflow into Unity and has an easy learning curve.

I actually use 3DSMax myself which I find faster to model and animate in but its a little extra work to get models into Unity. Cinema 4D has some very nice texturing features though.


Cheetah3D works very nicely with Unity. However that should not be your only metric for deciding which modeling package to use.

Nevertheless imports from Cheetah to Unity are a no brainer. Drag and drop works easily, and editing a game asset directly in Cheetah then examining the changes immediately in the Unity editor works without a hitch