Child not working with triggerEnter

I’m working on a script for a held sword item. The sword item has a trigger box that is intended to trigger when coliding with an enemy, dealing damage to it. The problem is that for whatever reason the trigger is just… not triggering.
void OnTriggerEnter2D(Collider2D coll) {
Debug.Log (“Hit”);
if (coll.gameObject.tag == “Enemy”)
coll.gameObject.SendMessage (“hit”, damage);
Debug.Log (“Hit”);

No errors apear, and the dubugs don’t show up. Both the enemy and sword have hit boxes, as well as rigidbodies. Additionaly the boxcollider’s are both 2d, as well as the rigid bodies. The sword’s collider is labeled trigger, and the enemy one is not trigger. The sword is kinisthetic. So I have no clue what could possibly be wrong.
Any help is apreciated!

Hey, please check if either of rigidbodies have “isKinematic” enabled or not, try disabling the option.

First, make sure the enemy has the “Enemy” tag. Also, A Kinematic Rigidbody 2d cannot collide with another; at least one of the rigidbodies must be set to Dynamic. Since your sword is Kinematic, your enemy must be Dynamic…