Child world location

Info… I have a parent Cube with a separate collision box on each side attached to an empty as its children. Each empty is named CubeSideX as x is 1-6.

I am rotating the parent as such (Temporarily)

if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z))
	transform.Rotate(90, 0, 0);

I Store the Y position of each CubeSide with this

CubeSide1PosY = CubeSide1.transform.position.y;

I then determine which side has the highest Y value and put a “TOP” Tag on it.

Question… Why does My CubeSide Position not change as I rotate my parent? I thought transform.position gets the world position?


if (Input.GetKeyDown(KeyCode.Z))
    transform.Rotate(90, 0, 0);

is what you are using, I don’t see where specify it rotating to face the object.

Are you trying to have the Target look at the Object? ( Does Transform LookAT () work for you ? )

function Look ( )
   gameObject.transform.LookAt ( Target.transform ) ; // Param Type 'Transform'

If you’re trying to get the child to rotate along with the parent, you really shouldn’t change your rotation values… It does this automatically.

Instead of the accessing the child position via gameobject.transform.position.x ect. I set the (x, y & z) axis to var’s on each child and accessed them from the parent with

var xPosSide1 : float = transform.Find("Side1").GetComponent(ScriptSide).xPos;

its a bit more code then I would like but it does what I need.