Choose custom MenuItem order in the menu bar

Hi all,

Is there a way to choose the order of the MenuItem in the main Unity Editor menu bar?
I have 2 custom menus, that would be more logical if they were directly next to each other (called Build and Play). They are split by an other package menu (here the Jobs menu).


I already know how to use “priority” setting to set the order inside the menu, but it doesn’t seems to affect the menu bar.
What define the order in the menu bar?

Afaik you cannot influence the horizontal ordering of top-level menu items.

It’s best to only use a single menu anyway. You can have submenus like “MyTool/Build” and “MyTool/Play” to logically group menu items. If you need them often, assign hotkeys to them.

Note that if you develop an asset for others, guidelines require all asset menu items to be under either “Tools” or “Window”. This is due to the inflationary use of menu items in the past where you could have had tens of additional top-level menus like “Developer A”, “Developer B” and so forth just by installing a few assets.