choosing images at dome.

Hi everyone.

I’m spanish student at UK, and my final major project is about to built a “Virtual Ambient Running”, and I don’t know how to do the next thing :

  • I have a dome, where you can select differents ambients for run inside of this machine, for example, you select “beach” and all dome will display a video at the beach, and you begin to run, if you are stop, the video is stop.

¿how i can do this? to offer differents options to select (beach, mountain…) and only display in a dome?

Sorry about my english.

Thank you very much.

PD : I’m learning about 1 week Unity3D, and i like it!

Hello and welcome to the forum!

Just to be clear… are you saying that you want to display Unity content on the inside of a real-life dome for someone to watch while they use a running machine? This would certainly be possible with Unity. If this is what you have in mind, perhaps you could give some more detail about how you need to project the image, what input device you are using to make the menu choices, etc.

Hi andeeee!!

Thank you for you reply, and I’m sorry for my delay…

Yes, and possibility to change for another video, this video it will recorded before.

I need to display 4 videos at the dome, while the runner is running… :wink: And the user with a little menu, can change the ambience, and I would like the runner, will can stop or run, depending the option user too.

Attach my litte sketch.

Thank you!


Playing and pausing the video should be no problem, but there is nothing in the Unity API to vary the speed of playback. Unity has been used along with Arduino hardware for interactive installations (eg see this thread) so it should be possible to allow contact between the Unity app and the hardware. Assuming your projector is driven like an ordinary display, you would seem to have everything you need for this project.