Chose bucket from a different environment than production in cloud Build?

We are currently trying to integrate CCD and addressables with our cloud build setup but it’s kind of annoying that i can only choose buckets from production environment.

Can I change that somehow?

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Hi MaroLFC,
Thanks for your feedback.

I’ve added your name to this feature request.

There isn’t a way to change that at the moment. You may be able to replicate your environment and try using that environment for testing. This would be a hassle though and require more management of projects on your dashboard.


Is there any other way of making my Unity Cloud Build deploy the Addressables to a bucket on a different environment?
I couldn’t find reliable info on how to do that.


Hi Daniel,

I’ve spoken to the developers of Cloud Build, I haven’t yet tried this myself. They mentioned that you could try using cloud build pre build scripts and CCD Management to change environments. If you are feeling brave and try it out before I postback here please feel free to do so.

This line of code could be included to change the environment.

Your prebuild script can then change that environment.

REMOVED Remote Config suggestion due to dependency on environment

I will post back here as soon as possible.

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hello did someone test this way of doing ?

I didn’t. I just created multiple buckets in Production for now.