Chrome - SharedArrayBuffer will require cross-origin isolation as of M91, around May 2021

Noticed this warning in javascript console today:

[Deprecation] SharedArrayBuffer will require cross-origin isolation as of M91, around May 2021. See SharedArrayBuffer-Updates in Android Chrome 88 und Chrome 92 für Computer  |  Blog  |  Chrome for Developers for more details.

Does anybody know the implications, if any ?

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I’m curious too

Sounds important, @jukka_j any idea if this is something devs need to care about?

For anyone else using PHP, adding these headers resolves it:

header("Cross-Origin-Opener-Policy: same-origin");
header("Cross-Origin-Embedder-Policy: require-corp");

This thread’s also a duplicate… @MadeFromPolygons1 posted earlier:

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The warning is harmless, the buffer is being allocated as a feature test. A fix has been submitted.


I’m curious…how does this fix help anything related to existing builds? We just spent forever upgrading to 2020, reworking the WEBGL canvases and version control behind webgl for our existing distributions, and now we are supposed to jump into an Alpha version of 2021 for a fix that isn’t verified ‘after’ the fact of it beginning to cause major issues?

I am in the process of backporting the fix to all supported previous versions of Unity. Also, it shouldn’t be causing major issues, it’s a warning in the console that otherwise has no effect. If you’re seeing major issues, from this or anything else, please do file bugs, that’s how we prioritize what we’re working on and major bugs are always a top priority.

Also, if it turns out you need the fix right away instead of waiting for the updates for the various Unity versions to roll out, the fix for this can be patched manually in existing releases since it’s in UnityLoader.js, as a temporary solution. I usually don’t like doing things like that, it becomes difficult to manage, but it’s an option if you need the fix now.