Chrome - Specific key inputs not registering correctly

Specific keys are not triggering.

Windows 8.1 x64
Chrome: 41.0.2272.118 m


  • It seems that the Right Alt / Right Shift key releases are never registered by the Input system and calling Input.GetKey on those keys AFTER hitting (and releasing) them once will always return true.
  • Other keys like ; - = are totally not registered.
  • Keys work perfectly on Firefox.
  • The same problems occur on a fresh install of Chrome on another Windows system.

Attachments - the test project. It displays keys that are pressed or released.
keystuck.png - “Right Alt / Right Shift” keys getting ‘stuck’ on Chrome even though they were released.

2055686–133761– (551 KB)

Please file your repro case as a bug, and we will have a look - this forum is not a bug tracker.

Filed, thanks.