2 ActionMaps have the same binding path (key) defined for some action. Only one is active. When disabling the old ActionMap and enabling the new one, the event (button press) triggers for the new ActionMap, even with Initial State Check disabled.
My use case: I have a map and an ActionMap that handles when user is open the map. Player should press M to open the map and press M again to close it. When Player press M, I enable the map Canvas, this will enable the Map ActionMap. Since there is a callback already set for the Action to close the map, it will be triggered, closing the map again.
Same thing happens if enabling/disabling is done inside the callback instead of OnEnable/OnDisable
This happens with Unity 2021.3.19 and Input System 1.5.0 (also tested on and 2021.1.28 and 1.3.0)
8829937–1202296–TwoActionMapsSameBindingBug.unitypackage (20.8 KB)