Cinema 4D Bump Map Problems

I’m using Cinema 4D 9.5 and am trying to do a simple bump and color material with maps for each. The color map is displaying, but the bump is not displaying in Unity. Is there any reason the bump map wouldn’t display? I’ve looked through the archives, but couldn’t find anything on C4D bump maps.

Can you post images of how your set-up looks like? Make sure your bump map is a real image and not a shader in C4D. Also, make sure you selected the correct shader inside Unity to assign your bump map to. You can also convert the bump into a normal shader inside Unity.


Attached are my bump settings in C4D. Based on your comments and poking around more, and I found I could add the bump to the material within Unity. Is this the correct way to do it? I thought the bump would “just show up” from Cinema 4D import.


Unfortunately you will have to do this by hand. Maybe that pipeline will change for the better in the future. I don’t see it as big issue at the moment however… you will get used to it.