Cinema 4d to Mecanim workflow


I have been searching the web for information about the Cinema 4d
to Mecanim workflow but haven t found anything yet.
I was wondering if anybody got this working ?

For the project we are working on we would like to use the
advanced biped rig in cinema 4D.

There is a plug in on the university website for easy exporting to Unity from Cinema 4D
but in their tutorial they use the legacy setting when importing into a Unity scene.

To get the plugin from the Cineversity site you have to become a premium member wich is quite
expensive so i would first like to know if anybody got this worklow working.

Thanks in advance

Don’t know specifics about C4D or Cineversity, but using an advanced rig in mecanim is possible by way of the generic rig setup. Legacy and generic are mostly interchangeable, mostly.
If the character is humanoid and you’d like to take advantage of the humanoid rig in mecanim for retargeting purposes - it’s best practice to match your external C4D rig to the the humanoid rig bone structure. Additional bones can be used, but they will need to be masked to animate properly.