Cinema4D -> Unity Scale Issues

Hey All,

I’m trying to sort something out here …

Whenever I import my assets from Cinema4D into Unity they are always ridiculously smaller then they should be in comparison to some of the pre-established items in Unity.

For example, I created a tree in Cinema4d that was 8.5 meters tall, but when i import the c4d (or the exported fbx) it is not even visible on the 3d first person camera prefab (which clearly should not represent a 9m person).

So I’ve been digging around and have found that Unity uses meters for size (thnx will goldstone [one of his tutorials mentions it]) and then right in Cinema4D its saying that its using meters.

So whats going on?

Anyone have a solution for this?

I really need things to be exactly to scale unfortunately so I need to know what I can count on for setting sizes.

(looked thru docs, forum, wiki, google, irc, nothing yet … but i’ll keep looking too :smile: )

In Unity, change the scale in the import settings for your meshes.


You are my new best friend :slight_smile: Totally overlooked the mesh scale factor in import settings.