Cinemachine 3.1.0 is Now Available

Thanks for all that. The video is private, so I can’t see it.

However, given the nature of this problem, the vide is unlikely to give much in the way of clues. Really I need a repro case. I understand that you can’t share the project, but could you make a new project with simple shapes for the character, and add your controller and CinemachineCameras to it? It would make solving this much more efficient.

Sorry about that, it’s unlisted now.

I cannot share this but to reproduce it you can easily just set up one camera like in the screenshots and copy paste it a few times, change the offset if you want but I’m pretty sure it’s not needed either. The Mixing camera component doesn’t have a predetermined way to blend two cameras so all you need to do is a simple button (like 1 to 3) that lerps between camera 1 to 3.

I can prepare a new repo in the next days if it’s really needed, as of right now I had to use a workaround for my game which is to just have one camera and change the parameters manually since we are on a deadline for december.

Looking at the video, my best guess is that that axis values on the orbital follow get out of sync. There is no explicit logic anywhere in CM to sync these things, so that might be the issue (you can check it with some debug log statements, comparing the HorzontalAxis.Value members of the 3 orbitalFollow behaviours).

If that is indeed the issue, consider having a single InputAxisController behaviour on one of the cameras, and write a custom script to push the axis values to the other cameras. That will force them to be in sync.

I would agree, and I’m also 99% sure it only happens while 2 cameras are blending through the Mixer component. Unfortunately, I couldn’t confirm this cause cinemachine code is a rabbit hole ^^

If this is the case though… is it a bug?

Hard to say without a repro project. Off the top of my head I can’t think why it would happen, but there are a lot of moving parts to this.