Cinemachine 3 - Events on the Overlay camera skipped


I migrated from Cinemachine 2.1 to 3.0.1.

I have a main camera perspective rendering Default Layer.
This camera has in its stack an overlay orthographic Camera on the UI Layer.
The cameras game objects are siblings.

The issue:
It used to work perfectly fine before, but now, the UI events (button, etc…) are no longer working since the upgrade of the Cinemachine from 2.1 to 3.0.1. I can easily notice it by reverting on the previous version on my git project.

Cheap work-around:
I noticed that by disabling the cinemachine Brain that is located on the Default Layer Main Camera, the UI events captured by the overlay UI Layer Camera are back working.

I presume I’m missing a configuration part of the Cinemachine upgrade… but I cannot find it out.

thank you :slight_smile:

2.1 is a very very old version, and 3.0.1 will not be automatically compatible because it’s a major upgrade and the API has changed.

You should proceed in smaller steps to that there are fewer moving parts. Revert your upgrade and start over by upgrading to CM 2.10.3. What happens when you do that?

Hey Gregoryl,

hmm, I unfortunately do not have yet the time to debug recursively from versions to versions.
I would be glad to share with you my game discord and show you in real time.
By experience, nothing is better than this. let me know


You don’t have to do so many steps. It will help a lot if you would try what I suggested and report the results. It’s very difficult to find a problem when many things have changed at once.