Cinemachine camera does not appear in hierarchy.

I was following a brackeys tutorial and started with cinemachine.

What you see is from his video he has a CM Free look camera that I don’t.

I do not have any so I do not understand how to edit the properties in the inspector he is.
Any answers will be of great help.

So let’s start with the basics.

  • Have you installed Cinemachine?
  • What version of Cinemachine?
  • In general, you should be able to right-click in the hierarchy and select Cinemachine > FreeLook Camera
    to get started.

Note that the version of Unity and Cinemachine that Brackeys was using is a bit older, and the workflow has changed a bit.

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I have installed cinemachine and I am using the latest version of it. But the camera is not only being created how can it work without a camera no matter what change is there in workflow

There are two relevant objects that should be present in the hierarchy if you’ve correctly added a Cinemachine Virtual Camera: a Camera (which I do see in your hierarchy) and a Virtual Camera (which I don’t).

I’ve attached a typical hierarchy as it appears for me, using CM 2.7.3, and you can see both the Camera and the Virtual Camera.

Adding a Virtual Camera to the hierarchy is the most basic of functions, so I’m certain it works correctly. I might need more explicit information from you to help you diagnose the problem. To that end, please give me the exact version number of Cinemachine and walk me through exactly what you’ve tried. I’ll do my best to assist. Also, please let me know if you see any errors in the console.

7397516--903584--Screen Shot 2021-08-07 at 8.37.14 AM.png

The version

The console-

What I am selecting-

What I get-

The camera still render through the main camera and does not work like a cinemachine camera, for any more info, please reply

That’s odd…and not what the setup should look like. Here’s what the 2.7.5 menu should look like (or at least how it appears for me!).

And here’s it creating a Freelook camera.
7402448--904700--Screen Shot 2021-08-09 at 9.23.35 AM.png

Since you were following a tutorial, may I ask if at some point you installed Cinemachine (or anything else) from the Asset Store?

Maybe try with a clean project? Just create the new project from the 3D template. Open Package Manager. Install Cinemachine 2.7.5. Create a Freelook camera. That at least works for me.

It’s the same, in every project and I did not install any other asset from the asset store, I just installed the cinemachine from package mangaer

Ah, ok, with some help from Gregory, I see what’s happening here!

OK, first the good news: you’re not crazy. In fact, you’ve exposed a bug. But that bug wasn’t immediately obvious to me because you’re approaching the Vcam instantiation in a slightly unusual way.

The even more good news is that this is easy for you to remedy. Gregory noticed that you’re creating the Freelook Camera from the Components menu, and this is not at all how we intend people to instantiate Cinemachine Cameras. (Should it work properly the way you did it? Yes. But it doesn’t, and that’s the bug we’ll fix in a future release.)

So here’s the fix for you: instead of creating the camera from the Components menu, do it from the GameObject menu:
GameObject > Cinemachine > FreeLook Camera

The reason one of these works and the other doesn’t is a bit technical so I’ll skip the wordy explanation. Just try it and let me know if this gets you fixed and going. :slight_smile:

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Thanks a lot,it works now!:slight_smile:

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