CineMachine Camera hangup on respawn

Attached below is a short YouTube video, showing the issue I am having with CineMachine.

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Hey guys, so I am having this weird issue with CineMachine. It only happens on respawn. It is almost like the CineMachine camera knows to follow my GameObjct “Player”, but on respawn takes several frames longer to center back on the player. My Player on death gets deactivated and reactivated. I can attach the PlayerController script I have, as well as my LevelManger’s respawn CoRoutine.

In the video you see that when I respawn, the camera instantly moves back to the center of the map, but not to where the player will be. That gives it a weird hangup, and I honestly don’t know how to fix this.

Any ideas?

well i hacked something… when re-spawning the player i changed the vcams follow by code to the spawn point with: myCinemachine.m_Follow = spawnedPlayer; and then assigned the player again after 1 sec…not the best solution but it works fine :slight_smile: