First time posting; my apologies if this is not the right section.
I’m having this slight issue which is bothering me. Right now my camera is set up in a way where i have a dummy camera as a parent inside my character’s gameobject. This dummy camera is set up exactly in the player’s head, then as it’s children i have a main camera and a virtual cinemachine camera. I have set the cinemachine virtual camera to ‘follow’ the dummy camera and to ‘look at’ the dummy camaera. This works really good in the gameplay, however whenever i press play my character is always doing a 180 turn to face the other way, after that everything goes smoothly. I can’t figure out the reason why. If anyone might have an idea why this is happening this would be rgeatly appreciated.

This is not optimal. The recommended setup is to have the main camera (with the CM Brain) as a separate game object, not inside your character. The brain will ensure that the main camera exactly mimics the currently active CM Virtual Camera.
Also, the Virtual Camera should not be a child of your character either. Make it a separate GameObject. If you set it up to follow the target (the character’s head) then it will take care of positioning itself - that’s its job.
Can you show the Virtual Camera inspector with all the sections open?
I see alright. Well in reality the camera within the game works very good and is also very smooth. I did it like that because i followed a tutorial on youtube. Wouldn’t have been able to set it up myself with the skillset that i currently have. But thanks for the tip. What’s really bothering me is that 180 turn when i start the game. I just can’t figure out why it does that. In scene mode the camera is already behind the player. When i check play mode without starting it i can also see the back of the player perfectly.
Do you have any scripts controlling the rotation of the DummyCamera object?
I don’t know what tutorial you followed, but the results are not ideal. A good character and camera structure will give you control, a poor one might work sometimes and give strange results in others. In my view, it’s best to put in the effort to ensure that you have control.
For third person camera, this is an excellent tutorial which should set you on the right path:
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Yes I have a lengthy script which is attached to my character/character controller. Which is the best way to send it over here?
I don’t want to see it. Why not just follow the tutorial I linked?
Alternatively, if you upgrade to Cinemachine 3.1, you can look at the samples and use the provided character controller. Alternative to that, you can download and use Unity’s Starter Assets.
There is no need to make custom lengthy controller scripts when there are so many working options available.
Thanks for your help Gregory