The options for body noise aim etc, arent showing on the inspector. ive tried removing and reinstalling cinemachine but nothing is working. please help me find the extra options, even talking to muse chat hasnt helped.
thank you,
The options for body noise aim etc, arent showing on the inspector. ive tried removing and reinstalling cinemachine but nothing is working. please help me find the extra options, even talking to muse chat hasnt helped.
thank you,
which option is for body? im following a tutorial on gamedevtv and i need to set body to framing transposer… I cannot see options for body or aim. Thank you.
Body = Position Control
Aim = Rotation Control
Other names have changed with CM 3.X, you can see a list here:
orbital follow is in place of framing transposer? thank you!
No. Position Composer. Please read the doc I linked.