Cinemachine Deoccluder Rotate around target

I’m testing Cinemachine 3.1.2, and in the Deoccluder test scene I was searching for a way to have the camera rotate around the target to avoid obstacles instead of pulling it forward to the target. I made an extension for CM3 to show what I mean (I don’t control the camera except in the last few seconds). I know there are binding methods that rotate the camera based on input, but that’s not what I’m after. I still want the character to move freely, just like in the demo scene, and only have the camera rotate automatically when it becomes occluded. The link shows a demonstration of what I mean (The red Gizmos represents the Spherecast). Is it possible with CM3 out of the box? Thank you for the answere! :slightly_smiling_face: Watch Cinemachine Avoid Occlusion | Streamable

Do you mean that you want to deocclude by automatically adjusting the camera’s H and V axis values until the target is visible? If so, then there is no out-of-the-box way to do that. A custom extension is the way to go.

Yes, something like that. Alright, I’ll keep working on my solution and test it further. It would be great to see a built-in solution for a deoccluder strategy in a future update, if you have the resources for it.

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Have you ever sorted this out? I’m trying to do the exact same thing.

I only have the one I showed in the clip. I haven’t worked on it much further, it’s on hold for now.