I have a slider for focal length and should send these values to the “cinemachine” camera.
I’ve seen lot’s of print screens about cinemachine these days. All of them refer to field of view.
When I keep cinemachine active, the slider is related to Focal Length.
When I disable cinemachine vcam, the slider refers to Field of View.
So if I setup the Focal Length slider to change the camera on start, it looks to get the field of view and not the focal length.
Ex: 15mm lens will transfer to super narrow field of view (super zoomed camera).
Later on, inside the game, it can get the normal Focal Length and loads normally.
I tried to access via code and I see only the FOV option:
Something like… vcam.m_Lens.FieldOfView = …
Is there a way to pass without conversion the focal length value to the cinemachine focal length without these conversions?
Hi @dfarjoun . The Cinemachine API only accepts FOV. You have to manually convert from focal length to FOV before sending the value to Cinemachine. Here is some code to make that conversion:
Thank you very much! I’ll give it a try soon.
Now I’m facing with another problem with the quality settings of Depth of Field. I’ll create a new post now.