Hi there, I just have a question about how to turn off the lerp effect of Cinemachine free look camera. I already put the damping value of body of each rig to 0. And now, when my character is falling or moving left or right rapidly, the camera is not rotating anymore, it follows the character instantly.
But here the second issue coming to me: when I move my mouse, I can feel the camera is not really following where I point to instantly. It seems to have a Lerp effect in the backend. I kind of feel my mouse is not that much responsive. I know the maxSpeed of y-axis or x-axis control the mouse move speed which affects the sensitivity of the camera moving, but I want it to be more responsive and accurate. Anyone could help me?
Additional description: right now it looks like, when I move my mouse, it calculates the point where my camera should face to, and then it lerps the current camera rotation to the point calculated before. I want to turn off this and have my camera instantly face to the point while moving my mouse. Thanks