Hello, I have a 3rd person character with a Cinemachine FreeLook camera, which combines 3 rigs into a more complex camera control system. I have a Cinemachine Input Provider component attached to it because I am using the new Input System. When I orbit around the player between the Bottom Rig and the Middle Rig, the camera moves smoothly. However, when I orbit around the player between the Middle Rig and the Top Rig, the camera movement becomes jittery/stuttering.
There is no major difference between all 3 rigs apart from their world and screen positioning values. I have tried all the update modes, updating Unity versions, changing values around, and more, to no avail.
Here is a YouTube video showing the issue and also my values in the inspector.
Thanks for your time.
That’s really strange, I’ve never seen anything like it. Nothing is obviously setup incorrectly.
Does the same thing happen if you make a build and run it?
The build definitely makes it smoother, but the difference between the top half and the bottom half is still noticeable. I would say it’s good enough for my demo build for the duration of my Kickstarter campaign, but ideally I’d like to solve this issue before fully releasing the game. Is there any way I can send some sort of log information that would help to diagnose this issue?
Update: I’ve been recording my build a bit so I can edit a small trailer for my Steam page. The problem with the jittery top-half of the rig seems to have become just as bad as how it was shown in the editor in that YouTube video posted above. I am starting to wonder if the issue is with my PC, as I’ve also had some other strange lag issues with my game. I will soon have a beta test ready, and will be able to learn more about the issue when other people play it.
Would you be willing to make a bug report about this issue?
I started making a bug report and created a new stripped-down scene where I put an example character and copy-pasted my problematic Cinemachine FreeLook cam. For some reason in this new scene, the problem no longer happened, so it must be a problem with how I have the camera set up or initialized perhaps? I will have to keep tinkering with it until I figure out what is causing this strange issue.
Hello. I recently encountered a similar situation. Unity version is 2021.3 and cinemachine version is 2.8.9. It was a case where if the YAxis of the freelook camera was between 0 and 0.5, the camera movement would stutter during the recentering process. There are several virtual cameras besides freelook camera, and disabling these virtual cameras gradually improved the stuttering. Also, changing the standby update of freelook camera to always, never instead of round robin did not cause the stuttering problem. I hope this gives you a clue to solve the problem.
Okay, so I think I’ve solved the issue simply by setting all of my Cinemachine Virtual cameras’ Standby Update modes to ‘Never’. I think with the ‘Round Robin’ and there being an upwards of 8 Virtual cameras in my scene at a time, it was causing some strange jittering on the active Virtual camera. Not really sure how it correlates, but I did a bunch of testing and it runs smoothly on the top side just like it does on the bottom side.