Hi there I’m not seeing any Cinemachine nodes available in my graphs.
Using Unity 2021.3.3f1 with the built-in visual scripting.
Building for Android
I have Cinemachine package (Version 2.8.6) installed and have both Cinemachine & com.unity.cinemachine.editor added in the node library.
Is there another step I’ve missed?
Thanks in advance.
Hi, no you didn’t miss anything. This is an issue related to the fact that we are not showing the nodes that comes from editor assemblies. We are currently working to solve that problem so you can expect a fix for it in the next patch version (no ETA for now).
May I ask you why do you need com.unity.cinemachine.editor? You probably won’t be able to build if you use nodes that trigger editor code.
Hi, thanks for the speedy reply.
I’ve used cinemachine nodes with previous iterations of bolt. Is this just with the inbuilt version of visual scripting then? Maybe I need to work with an older Unity install? I just need very basic simple nodes to set camera priorities etc…
The com.unity.cinemachine.editor is one of the default node assemblies via the visual scripting preferences window. I didn’t add this my end ?
Oh you’re right, I forgot it was added by default.
If you really need it and can work with an older version of Visual Scripting without compromising your project that is indeed your best solution.
Thanks, just to confirm. The attached is what I see in older versions (bolt package install).
But none of these cinemachine nodes are now available in the new visual scripting in-built? Is that correct?
I’m not specifically interested in com.unity.cinemachine.editor unless I need them. Just the core cinemachine nodes.
Add specific cinemachine types in type options and regenerate. The nodes will come up in search after that for that type. But using cinemachine nodes in graphs will break IL2CPP builds. Desktop Mono will work fine, however.
This worked great. Thank you