I’m trying to use the 6D Shake Cinemachine has built in to shake my camera whenever the player shoots a bullet, but the shake changes the offset of every tile of a different height causing ugly holes between tiles.
Before shake: 
During shake: 
Any way to fix this, or any other way to shake the camera?
I’ve used this with great success in the past. Maybe it will help you.
using UnityEngine;
using System.Collections;
public class CameraShake : MonoBehaviour {
public static CameraShake instance;
private Vector3 _originalPos;
private float _timeAtCurrentFrame;
private float _timeAtLastFrame;
private float _fakeDelta;
void Awake()
instance = this;
void Update() {
// Calculate a fake delta time, so we can Shake while game is paused.
_timeAtCurrentFrame = Time.realtimeSinceStartup;
_fakeDelta = _timeAtCurrentFrame - _timeAtLastFrame;
_timeAtLastFrame = _timeAtCurrentFrame;
public static void Shake (float duration, float amount) {
instance._originalPos = instance.gameObject.transform.localPosition;
instance.StartCoroutine(instance.cShake(duration, amount));
public IEnumerator cShake (float duration, float amount) {
float endTime = Time.time + duration;
while (duration > 0) {
transform.localPosition = _originalPos + Random.insideUnitSphere * amount;
duration -= _fakeDelta;
yield return null;
transform.localPosition = _originalPos;
And of course, call it from anywhere by using: (I imagine you can add this to your projectile firing script with ease)
CameraShake.Shake(0.25f, 4f);