Cinemachine not blending?

Hey guys so I’m a little confused by the behavior of Cinemachine. I have a global brain and then I have it set to blend ease in and out by 2 seconds. I then dynamically create a cutscene, play a timeline, then destroy the cameras/ objects associated with them and return to gameplay. Now it looks horrible, BUT what i’d expect to happen is the moment the last camera in the cutscene is destroyed and we return to gameplay, the cameras would be blended. But it just pops! Why? Does cinemachine not like when things are destroyed?

I fully intend for these moments to be cuts with a blend BACK to gameplay… but cinemachine doesn’t seem capable of that? I know im mis-using cinemachine i guess but it just doesn’t seem good at this kind of dynamic stuff?

video of the pop. I just dont get why it wouldn’t blend…

Don’t destroy the vcams right away. Let the blend finish first. CM doesn’t take a snapshot, it needs a live feed from the vcam in order to do the blend (the vcam is still live until the blend is finished).

Deactivating the vcam game object right away is ok. Just don’t delete it until the blend is finished.

ok good call will try that!

ok this is weird but… all I had to do to get the blending to work correctly is use an Invoke to delete everything some amount of time later. It obviously must capture data over that one frame that it uses to blend… so… if anyone else hits this just delay your deletion 1 frame after you need to blend back .