Cinemachine not showing up in Menu Bar after download

I am new to game dev but an experienced programmer. I have recently starting trying to implement Cinemachine into one of the practice projects I am making. After I have installed the package from the package manager, I do not see the drop down menu applied to the menu bar. This is the first time I have ever downloaded the package and I can see the package under Packages/Cinemachine. I have tried reinstalling it and restarting Unity. I am on Unity 2021.1.11f1. Any help for this new game dev would be greatly appreciated!
Thanks in advance!

With the newer versions, Cinemachine no longer appears in the main menu. You’ll find it in the GameObject menu, or if you right-click on the hierarchy.


Oh wow, guess I should follow a newer tutorial haha, thanks!

This still didn’t work for me. It’s not there. I am using a MacOS version 2020.3.29f1

You have to install Cinemachine from the Package Manager.

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Hi, I’m also having this problems, downloaded it from Package Manager, installed it through Unity, using version 2020 on a Windows PC but the option doesn’t appear anywhere but it is in my project and appears as such. What’s going on and how can this be fixed?

It should be inside the GameObject menu. Is it not there?



same with me. i just installed it and it doesn’t show up in my game object menu or right click from hierarchy. i tried restart, redownload 3 times but all of these didn’t work.

Do you have any messages in the console?
What version of Unity? What version of CM?

For those having any problem with any package assets not appearing in menu drop downs or showing up in the references tab for scripts, right click the project tab in unity and select reimport all, this has always worked for me.


Thank you Gregoryl

thank you so much! worked for me

The reimport all button isn’t showing up and I have the latest version of Unity. I have already installed it and have used it before but now I can’t find it anywhere.

Check the console tab. Are there any messages?

In my Version the Reimport Button is in the Assets Menu on top.
However it says that all related files to the Assets will be removed.

I found the Solution for me. Cinemachine works now. In the Assets Menu is a Refresh Button. Try that out.

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im having the same problem- this didnt work :frowning:

Check the console tab. Are there any messages?

The cinemachine is not showing anywhere, even though I downloaded it.

Check the console tab. Are there any messages?