Cinemachine (or the unity compiler) broken due to some unknown reason

Ok, so before I start with the deceptive and contradictory errors I’ve been getting please know that I have done the basics of re-installing unity, installing an earlier version, installing the latest version, fully re-importing the asset, re-importing the broken parts of the assets and of course browsing through all of the visual studio warnings.

Now to the errors: so I find myself updating Cinemachene in unity 2018.1.3f (my current version is 2018.6f1) and all of a sudden get hit will a wall of un-explainable errors. The error is as follows:

This call is ambiguous between the following methods or properties: "Cinemachine.Utility.UnityVectorExtensions.AlmostZero(this UnityEngine.Vector3)" and "Cinemachine.Utility.UnityVectorExtensions.AlmostZero(this UnityEngine.Vector3)"

You can find a compressed zip of my Cinemachine here

I have absolutely no clue what is going on here; my only guess is that there are two definitions for the same thing in the unity source code. I would love any help, even if it’s not a complete solution, just something which I can build upon is enough.

If any of you are experiencing the same issue as I and there has not yet been an answer just do what I’ve been doing:


To get to that interface (find and replace in current file) just hit Ctrl + F and click on the rotated greater than symbol otherwise known as an arrow.

Ok, I was being dumb. Unity 2018.1.3+ comes with Cinemachine installed. Just delete your version (back it up if you’ve changed anything) all should work just fine. I didn’t think of deleting an asset to test it! :wink: