Hi there, with Cinemachine 3 I appreciate you add a Cinemachine extension to enable Post Processing effects for the camera and create/assign it a post processing profile. This works well, but does this mean I’m restricted to one processing configuration?
I’m interested in blending between multiple local volumes that Unity natively supports. Does cinemachine support this, or do I have to add code to switch in different profiles at run time?
Thanks for any help!
The Cinemachine extension allows you to associate a specific profile with a specific CM camera, so that profile blends in and out with the camera. This is in addition to other volumes you may have defined in your scene.
So, if you want to have global or local volumes with PostProcessing settings whose weights you want to modify, those volumes will apply to the CM cameras also, whether they have postprocessing extensions or not. Remember: CM just pushes the main camera around and otherwise does not interfere with it.
Understood, thanks so much for the explanation
Cinemachine 3 supports post-processing effects via extensions but doesn’t natively blend between multiple local volumes. Unity’s native system can handle blending based on the camera’s position. If specific profiles are needed for each camera, you’ll need to write code to switch profiles at runtime.