Cinemachine Resetting at an odd angle

Ok so Im doing a third person adventure game, and I use Cinemachine’s FreeLook to follow the player. When the game begins I have the character standing infront of the camera against the building, with the cinemachine object looking at them straight on. You move the character and everything goes as fine as I can pull off right now.

The problem is, I set up my game to be a multi-character system. I achieve this by having a single player object that hosts the animation scripts, colliders etc. and calls upon the children (each of the chooseable characters) as objs to be turned on when selected and stay unactive if not. When a character dies through a loss of health I have the screen go black and the player object transported back to the starting position. A UI screen appears which then allows you to select the next character, which disables the current one and pops the new one in while in the veil of the darkness. PROBLEM BEING. When this change over happens the cinemachine camera keeps looking at them at a 90 degree angle difference, so usually its caught behind the building I set the player character to move to.

I cant seem to get this to reliably reset itself? Ive even tried making each character their own cinemachine camera to be toggle upon their activation but then it doesnt center towards them right.
At my wits end/ this is for a class and everything else is done so any help would be greatly appreciated

Can you show the inspector of the FreeLook?

When you transport the player to the starting position, try also calling freeLook.ForceCameraPosition() to place it where you want it to be.

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I can try to do a quick recording or gif to show the actual phenomenon

[Movie_012.mp4 - Google Drive]

its either behind in the building or the opposite side of them

When you transport the player to the starting position, try also calling freeLook.ForceCameraPosition() to place it where you want it to be.

What happens when you do that?

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Yes I just tested it in the code, had to experiment for a minute, its still a little off but its starting in a better position than before and i can make it right if i keep tweaking it. Thank you so much!

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