CineMachine, setting priority to virtual cameras at runtime seems to set the value permanently

Seems when I set the priority value in-game programatically, when I jump out of play mode in the editor, the values set during gameplay stick permanently.

My code

    if(currentNode.getCamera() != null)
        Debug.Log("Got Camera, lets try switching");
        GameObject cam = currentNode.getCamera();

        cam.GetComponent<CinemachineVirtualCamera>().Priority = 99;

And this works, but like I said, once I jump out of play mode, the value sticks permanently, causing me to have to run through my scene and reset every camera priority by hand

Am I doing this wrong?

Thanks RedactedProfile, checking into this, will get back to you ASAP

I have imported updated cinemachine package in my project. Just disable “Save during Play” variable in virtual camera. The Link for CineMachine4 is mentioned below: