Does Anybody Have Idea About Ads Aiming System Like Pubg using Cinemachine Virtual cam ?In This Aiming System Only the hands and weapon is Visible and Gun Is Pointed towards the Lookat Position without clipping the player and gun.
While I am trying to use ThirdpersonAim Extension of Cinemachine i am Unable to move Weapon towards AimPoint.
Start with the AimingRig sample, available in CM 2.6.0. The setup there is a little different, but gives you the most control. In AimingRig the camera is controlled by an invisible GameObject. The camera is positioned relative to it, and oriented in the same direction as it. Your player input controls the position and orientation of this invisible object.
You can make your gun a child object of that. You can then add some logic to move the gun a little relative to its parent, taking care to always point the gun towards the camera target (a point in space which is given by vcam.State.ReferenceLookAt).