I’m using cinemachine tracks/clips to have certain objects (that have the timeline) control how cameras blend.
My question more of a workflow question: What is the best way to populate the virtual camera reference of a specific cinemachine clip on a timeline at run time?
My context looks like this: I have a prefab that has a timeline, a cinemachine track on the timeline, and three cinmachine clips that blend from one to the other in sequence 1-> 2 → 3.
Clip 2 references a virtual camera that sits as a child of the prefab, so no problem there.
Clips 1 and 3 however need to find the “Main” virtual camera and hook up those references when the prefab gets instantiated.
To set the virtual camera on a timeline at runtime, you need to bind the clip to the virtual camera through the playable director playing the timeline.
Here is an example:
void SetVirtualCameraToClip(CinemachineTrack track, PlayableDirector director, string clipName, CinemachineVirtualCamera camera)
foreach (var clip in track.GetClips())
if (clip.displayName == clipName)
var asset = clip.asset as CinemachineShot;
if (asset != null)
director.SetReferenceValue(asset.VirtualCamera.exposedName, camera);
I figured this might be the only way to go about it… I do have a quick follow up question though as I’m still trying to wrap my head around exposed references. I recall running across this thread a little while ago because I ran into a similar issue the last time I tried to set clip variables at edit / run time (funny enough its you in that thread!): https://discussions.unity.com/t/699388
Basically, before I set the reference value of the clip’s VirtualCamera exposed reference, do I need to assign the exposedName a unique GUID so that all the clips on that track don’t have their VirtualCamera reference changed?