Cinemachine was creating a new camera when adding a camera to the Timeline. How can I disable it?

Cinemachine was creating a new camera when adding a camera to the Timeline. How can I disable it?

Can you be more specific? What exactly were you doing? Tell me what you clicked and what you did.

  1. I have set up four CM Cameras
  2. I started dragging these cameras one by one on the timeline

I expect: cameras to appear on
the timeline.
I can see: my cameras on the timeline, but 4 more cameras appear in the hierarchy, which are located in the place where I was watching the video with the camera when I dragged my Timeline cameras.

A note: I understand that this feature can simplify the work when you need to place a lot of cameras, but I would like to be able to disable such a camera addition.

In general, I would really like a full-fledged tutorial on Cinemachine and Timeline. The training on the Unity website does not stand up to any criticism. I have to look for information by watching dozens of self-made repetitive videos, instead of going through one training course that examines different situations and working methods (both for use in a game to track a character, and for making animations such as cartoons or commercials). For some reason, the Saturn rocket Satellite video is not attached to the lesson, I found it 10 by chance.

Thank you very much for responding so quickly.

Very interesting. I see the problem in your video, but when I try to reproduce it locally, it does not occur.
What version of Cinemachine are you using? Check with Package Manager.
Also: which version of Timeline, and which version of Unity?

You are using an extremely old version of Cinemachine, and also an old version of Unity. We don’t officially support any versions more than 2 years old.

First of all, try upgrading CInemachine to something more recent, e.g. 2.10.3. Let me know if you still have the problem after you do that.

I’ll check in the new version of unity, I thought it worked that way. I installed the old version of Unity because the training materials are based on the old version… And they are not updated.