Cinemachine World up doesn't change anymore although I override it with CMbrain

Last weekend I have set up a FreeLook Camera using Cinemachine for my character controller. The character can walk on any slope and rotates to the direction of camera.forward. That all works. The orbits of the camera also rotated with the character. For that I used Binding Mode Simple Follow with world up and override World up using CinemachineBrain, where I override it with ThirdPersonPlayer. Now today I wanted to do some more work on it but right from the start the orbits of the camera are not rotating with the player anymore. I can see from my git that I haven’t done any changes on the project since last sunday and even if I reverse the last commit it still doesn’t work.

Afaik I didn’t had any updates, does anyone have an idea what happened there? Or is there a mistake I don’t see and I just forgot that on my last commit that did not work? I’m not very experienced with unity or game development at all. But all threads describe it as being easy as that: Use cinemachinebrain, override world up and anything else than world up binding mode.

The project runs in Unity 2020.1.3f1, Cinemachine 2.6.11.

Thanks for your help.


I tried to make a repro but Couldn’t. What happens if you add an other free-look camera set with Orbits binding mode to Simple follow with world Up. Does it follow the world up override or does it use the default?

I see two mistakes, that may or may not be the cause of problem. :slight_smile:

Your Freelook’s Follow Target (ThirdPersonPlayer) is the parent of Freelook. This causes a dog chases its tail kind of situation.

Move your Freelook vcam out, so ThirdPersonPlayer is not its parent in the Hierarchy.

You should only have CinemachineBrain on the Camera (Main Camera), not on your vcam.


I added a second FreeLook as you said, and while the orbits of that new camera did not follow world up, the first FreeLook did (FreeLook2 has the small grey orbits in the picture).

Then I saved the project, closed it and restarted it. Before I closed the project, FreeLook1 had the status live and FreeLook2 the status standby. After restarting FreeLook1 was on standby and FreeLook2 live, and none of both did follow the world up override. However deleting FreeLook2 and setting it up once more led back to the situation on the picture.

If you want to take a look into the project:

Alright, I did not see the second reply until I send mine, but that seems to fix it, Thanks!

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