Circuit Strike.One on Sale Now!! Updated 06.09.09

First off I would like to say thanks to the Unity team for making and amazing piece of software and to the whole Unity community, especially Eric for all of the help to date. It has been a frustrating ride but the learning curve seams to be flattening out a bit finally. So much potential with Unity!

Anyway the game that I am working on is for the iPhone and iPod Touch. It could be described as a Geometry Wars style game but with faster inertia style movement and physics from Asteroids. I have a few tricks up my sleeve too but I will not be posting any of that stuff online until it is ready for release in the App Store ; )

This is just a playable demo and doesn’t have any of the final game play mechanics, effects, audio, etc. but I’m happy that it actually works right now.

Check it out and please let me know what you think.



EDIT: FingerGaming just posted up my info and screenshots of the game!!


that’s really fun. I love the graphics and gameplay. It’s really cool in fullscreen mode. However, I think maybe you could zoom out a bit because by the time I saw the enemies it was too late for me to move out of the way. Cool game though, good job!

Excellent suggestion. I keep making the ship and enemies smaller, but I don’t want it to get to far from the camera. I might try to add a visual warning that you are about to hit something bad when the ship is moving quickly.

Thanks btw!

You should add a % loading for streamed levels. I’m sitting in Panera at the moment and the connection is slow and I wasn’t sure if the cause was a broken webplayer or just a level not downloaded yet.

Haha, how that I actually got to play it, that’s awesome! I had a similar idea for the iPhone but using some multi-touch gestures for control. Don’t know how well it will play out, have other things on my plate at the moment. Good luck on this, I really like it.


Thanks Jeff - yeah I have not done any loading or transition work yet. I’m glad you like it! This is just the prototype so it should get a lot cooler over the next few weeks : )

Curve - Thx!

I really love the style you’ve got going here… very slick.

The one thing I’d change is the control. Really minor but I feel that if this is not a dual stick shooter then let the player use a keyboard key for shooting. I kept thinking that where I was pointing my mouse is where the ship would aim and shoot. That’s more of a habit that needs to be broken on my end than an actual problem with your design though :wink:

Of course the controls will be completely different on the iPhone anyway.

Again, I love the graphics and I hope you can whittle this thing down to run on the iPhone. You’re using a lot of additive effects and it’s going to be tough on performance, but if you can pull it off you’re going to have a winner on your hands.


Super lovely gfx feel and especially liked the sync with the music.

Controls suck somewhat - its hard to aim and shoot correctly. Just doesnt feel intuitive right now - or the ship rotates to fast to proper aim. Something wrong there, but you got most everything else right!

Very nice. As mentioned earlier, the controls were a bit hard to master, but to me it merely felt like part of the challenge of the game.

Other points:

  • I also felt that the game worked very well with the music, but I’d suggest underlining this by adding some kind of subtle, familiar visualisation of the music.
  • I experienced being re-spawned on-top of an enemy (killing my character instantly). Either you should add a classical “5 second invulnerability” solution or make sure that the player is spawned in an area free of enemies.

High-scores anyone? Got 33260 :stuck_out_tongue:

AngryAnt - Thanks. Agreed, the controls are not final yet and need work. You can fire with the Control key currently (Unity default btw ; ) ) but I should have turned the cursor off. It is a strafing game primarily and I will be hurting players for camping in the future : ) - that said I need to give it slower rotation while camping without losing the fast rotation at high speeds because the flight is fun.

There will be bonuses in the near future for “Close Calls” (higher speed and proximity = higher score) and for killing enemies at top speed.

The 5 second anti-spawn rape is a good idea. No one likes that ; )

I just posted a new version with full high score board Ant… lets see what you got : )

Thomas Lund - Thanks I know, I know (see above : ) )

aNTeNNa trEE - Thank you. I am hoping that the lack of geometry and lights will make up for the additive effects. I think there is only 1 light in the game and I could kill that. Everything is set to not cast or receive shadows as well. The final thing is the iPhone screen is so small that my very few textures can be pretty small. This game is pretty much just physics and particle effects… two of my favorite things ; )

Check out the new version guys with the high score board. Here are a few tips that aren’t obvious yet through the UI:

  1. Chained enemy explosions are worth more points
  2. Killing the Data Sphere ups the bonus modifier every level 1x, 2x, 3x, etc.

Thats it for now have fun!

I seriously never got it to load past what looks like a background image.

hey… pretty neat game

check your high score and see who’s on the top now heuhaeua… :wink:

i would love to move backward to avoid enemy, and also sometimes the enemy spawn really close to me, which is dangerous, but i guess that’s the point of the game eh ?? :stuck_out_tongue:

Nice game! I like the pace of it. How many levels will you put in the final?

Charles Hinshaw - I might have been uploading a new version at that time, otherwise I don’t know why it won’t run for you. What OS and browser, etc.?

potan - you bastard ; ) I tried to beat your score but cant yet. Reverse thrust will be along soon. Nope not the point anti-span rape will be in effect soon.

guitarpaul - Thanks! The game is not level based but time and skill based. The visuals will change along with the custom music track that is coming soon kind of like Rez but more like something Tomato/Underworld might do.

So beautiful.

Working beautifully now, so I’m guessing it was a situation like that. Good work.

Loran - Thanks - much appreciated!

Charles - Good to hear I got worried for a while there. Thanks btw.

wonderful, but questions as to how you did some of this stuff, the menus moving and rotating camera and moving to different parts of the menu, ummm… mouse clicks and where the mouse is to see if a click is for this option I assume. Nice job, and poton has the highscore.

bloodtiger10 - Thanks!

The menu solution is pretty simple really… I wrote an animation control script that allows me to pan and rotate the camera by giving it new data. The functions are triggered by collision detection on the geometry (buttons). The whole thing happens in a skybox that I made for the UI. It uses almost no GUI functions. It was one of those things that I concepted and it actually just worked the first time. That almost never happens : )