Circular Platform

I am attempting to create a side scrolling 2.5 plat former, but instead of straight platforms, I’m thinking about creating one continuous plat former, or one that loops. How do I keep the character grounded so it won’t fall off this circular platform?

Here’s the script I have on my character as of now.

 var speed : float = 6.0;
    var jumpSpeed : float = 8.0;
    var gravity : float = 20.0;
    private var moveDirection : Vector3 =;
    function Update () {
    	var controller : CharacterController = GetComponent(CharacterController);
    	if (controller.isGrounded) {
    		moveDirection = Vector3(0,0,Input.GetAxis("Horizontal"));
    		moveDirection *= speed;
    	if (moveDirection.sqrMagnitude > 0.01)
    		transform.rotation = Quaternion.Slerp (transform.rotation, Quaternion.LookRotation (moveDirection), 1);
    		if (Input.GetButton ("Jump")) {
    			moveDirection.y = jumpSpeed;
    	moveDirection.y -=gravity * Time.deltaTime;
    	controller.Move(moveDirection * Time.deltaTime); 

If I understand you well, you want your level to be a circular strip? Seen from above : o ? Player moving clockwise or counter clockwise?

If that’s the case, you could make the player object a child of an empty object which is centered at the center of the circle.

When you want the player to move along the y axis, move it’s parent instead.

When you want the player to move horizontaly, rotate his parent instead.

Does it help?

Thanks. For your recent advice, I’ve been having partial luck. The character is facing the center of the circle, but I’m having trouble having his bottom facing the center. I guess that can be fixed by messing with the x, y and z of one of the coding I’ve added. I’m also having trouble with the transformDirection code, the “Object reference not set to an instance of an object” error.

var characterlook : Transform = target.transform;

var charRelativeRight : Vector3 = characterlook.TransformDirection (Vector3.right);

rigidbody.AddForce (charRelativeRight * 10);

     var target : Transform; 

function Update () {
	// Rotate the camera every frame so it keeps looking at the target 