City model for iOS game.

I want part of my game for iphone/iPod Touch/iPad to take place in a city. I’ve created a city with lots of buildings - big and small: here are the model specs (4500 Vertices, 8373 edges, and 4000 faces). I’m just building the models for now until I get a Mac so I can’t test how well the model will run on an actual iOS device. How well do you think a game would run using this city model in a scene? I don’t want to create a model that would destroy performance on an iOS device - any help/suggestions is greatly appreciated.

You have reasonable amount of vertices. Of course everything depends on which generation you’re targeting. I tend to think that 50000 is good limit for iPhone3GS.

But I’m concerned that vertex count is not the issue in your case - your performance might be killed by overdraw and it’s hard to say anything about it from your stats. The best thing is to try it on the actual device.