Soooo are they really giving away t shirts???
It’s unity. They are always giving away t shirts. I have about five of them now. Haven’t got a beta one yet.
I still haven’t made up my mind if it’s only fitting, ironic or expected to thank beta testers with a bugged form. Bugged in more than one sense of the word.
Of course this was just an excuse to post some Alanis.
Why are you doing it…?
I don’t understand your post.
My first 4 posts should be self-explanatory. The 5th one was just too much exposition and redundancy, so really the only reason was Alanis. And by Alanis I mean bumping the thread.
Bleh, explaining is as fun as playing a game with cheats and a walkthrough.
I thought it was nice to accept a thank you for filing bug reports. Didn’t expect it to be such a hassle.
I filled that form out a month ago or so but haven’t received a t-shirt. I don’t remember that it even asked for an postal address even.
I filled this out a month ago or so as well. Never got anything about it. No email, mail package, etc.
If you block the Eloqua tracker, the whole form breaks. There’s no server-side validation! Even if you fill it out wrong, it still presents you with the “submitted successfully” page.
But if you did accept the Eloqua tracker, you’re in for a treat! And by treat I mean you just sold your soul.
It’s a relatively simple form. Why is it outsourced to a 3rd party? And not just any 3rd party: Eloqua is owned by Oracle, the grand duchy of Data Mining. And it’s not even a properly functioning form!
What’s up with all those trackers? Unity, this is our personal information we’re sending to receive a token gesture in return for our time and effort spent on the development of your product. A token gesture that doubles as an advertisement for your product. Is that not enough? You want to sell our personal data too?
Same reason we were briefly using Lithium. Last I was aware, which was around the time of Lithium, Unity lacked dedicated web developers. The website and everything related to it was either being handled by people from various departments or by third party providers.
Unity does have a history of sending out emails that look like attempts to steal personal data. This sort of thread pops up about once every three or four months.
That’s horrible. They have 1000 employees! Looks like the 5.4 beta team let the marketing team take care. Seriously, I’ve seen solo indie developers handle forms like these better.
With the Google Docs form from Spam Email at least there weren’t 22 trackers. Besides being hosted on Google.
Sure Unity’s Privacy Policy covers analytics and ads, but just because it’s allowed (Is it though? It refers to Safe Harbor which was destroyed by Max Schrems.) doesn’t mean they have to track our data All. The. Damn.Time.
Especially if we can’t block the trackers without breaking the form. In fact, Unity advises Ghostery.
If you don’t have a Wiggle account yet please set one up first and then follow the instructions above. If when you navigate to the T-shirt page it does not let you place an order, or add the item to your basket, close the window and open it in an Incognito/Private window or try another browser. You cannot order multiple t-shirts in the same order. Each t-shirt has to be ordered separately. Finally if these suggestions don’t work please use the chat option on the Wiggle page to talk to their customer support team who should be able to help you place the order.
@JacobVR You may think I’m splitting hairs. I think you’re missing the point.
I have no idea why people receive this kind of offer (just for testing and sending bug reports?) but, if I ever receive one, I’ll pass and flag it as “spam”.