I’ve tried every possible fix I could find out there and cannot figure out how to fix this problem. I do not have a mac so I cannot test it locally. If anyone has found a fix for this please help me out!
The only other plugin that has a post processor is Unity Ads, so maybe that is interfering somehow?
14140: [xcode] clang: error: no such file or directory: '/BUILD_PATH/projectname.55357c8444a370657ec91653.default-ios/Assets/Facebook/Editor/iOS/FacebookSDK/FacebookSDK.a'
14141: [xcode] ** BUILD FAILED **
You probably ignore library files in your .ignore file settings. Please check your .ignore files if it ignores library files. If you checkout your project and it does not include the files it would not compile properly locally. I recommend to get a mac to build it locally, otherwise you can not make performance tests and debug your game properly.
have the same problem in Mac too,I am using Facebook sdk 6.2.1 now, and i found that particular file is actually missing in my sdk and i used this sdk to fix that GitHub - Kabe0/Facebook-Unity-Fix: Fixes a common problem with the Facebook Unity SDK when reading the keystore file. .Hope it will help you.
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