Clarification on cyclical list's

first, please don’t use screen shots with paint brush hand writing, use this: Using code tags properly and comment below.

What you want is a custom class/struct and make that into a list

public class Impulse{
public Vector3 dir;
public float time;

and then you can have a list like this:

List<Impulse> myList = new List<Impulse>();

and iterate over it like so:

for(int i = 0; i < myList.count; i++){
myList[i].dir; //gets the dir / vector3
myList[i].time; //gets the time

btw, saying “please help me” in red, bold (and some do it with all caps too) won’t make people help you, just be as descriptive as you can about the problem your having and post the related code(with the tags ;))