Clarification on the Tool.

I just wanted to know what the tool is currently fully capable of.
Is it just a manager to help bring in localization to projects?
Can it auto-generate localizations, maybe just for a small amount of text?

I’m asking this from the standpoint of not ever dealing with localization before. So I’m just trying to understand how everything is to then know where I’ll be able to go from there.

We don’t support auto generating Localization. We don’t recommend it. Tools like Google translate are good for getting a general feeling of intent but they don’t give high quality translations, they should not be used for games. We strongly recommend you work with professional translators. If you use an automated service how would you know if the translation was correct? :wink:

The tool provides a framework for serving up localized strings and assets. It also has various other features such as pesuo Localization.
Take a look through the docs About Localization | Localization | 0.7.1-preview

I read the docs before writing this. The first read was still a bit confusing since I’ve never dealt with localization before or the tools fo it. After messing around in the editor and giving the docs a second read it’s all clear now.

Do you have a timeline when it will be a released package visible from the Package Manager without modifying the manifest?

Also, any plans on the new UI Toolkit runtime integration coming up?
From what I can tell you could still use the Localization package with it but you’ll have to pass in the localized strings through code since the built-in event-based system only works for GameObject text/UI.

If you have any feedback on how to improve this we are happy to hear it.

We are working on this at the moment. We estimate around November. We will still be in the preview then. We estimate coming out of preview Q1 2021.

Yes, integration into UI Toolkit is on our roadmap and will be available before we come out of preview.