Classic 2.5D point&click adventure


It is possible to create a 2.5D (2D environment with 3D characters) point&click adventure with Unity?

Any tips? :wink:

Yes, it is.

if its your first project with unity try and keep it nice and simple to avoid frustration and hair loss :smile:


Ok… this is my first project. :roll:
A few suggestions to get started?

Thank you!

Learn to code.

Ok, let’s be nice guys :wink:

This question has been asked a thousand times though so here’s some links to similar threads:

And of course the best start is to do the 2D Gameplay Tutorial located here:


If you’re serious about developing an adventure and have limited resources it might be worth checking out one of these, they are also used in commercial titles and do a lot of the things you’ll otherwise have to code on your own already.

→ Wintermute Engine

I would suggest doing something really really simple a point and click is a good start but perhaps done in a small way perhaps not a adventure but maybe a fun utility the possibilities are endless for a fun lucas Art style game but be honest and realistic with your project and think realisticly what one person can achieve with limited experience also before you embark try and do a few tutorials the lerps 2d one is a good starting place this community on the whole is very helpfull and if you put the effort in a lot of people will help so good luck… :smile: