Clear Data?


My game is about to go live, but my dashboard is populated with data from while I was testing, I kinda want to clear this data so all my data will be from real users!

Is there any easy way to do this?


Unfortunately at the moment we don’t support clearing data. If you really want a clean-slate I’d suggest making a new project, and integrate with the new project ID. Sorry!

Ahh that sucks :frowning: I’ve set up all my funnels etc, transferring all that will be a pain!

But I understand,

Thanks anyways!

I’m facing the same situation. I hope that clearing testdata will be supported in the near future.

ya i think this was quite an important missing piece, the SDK doesn’t differentiate from data coming from someone testing in the editor vs a build. Your own SDK integration steps, have you testing the Transaction events, and then that event is permanently in your system. I sent a test event for 1234, and it showed up, subsequently I’d have to always have a discrepency between this and other platforms like App Annie.

Thanks for the feedback - being able to separate test data from production data is on our roadmap, and once it’s available we’ll make sure to post in the forums to let everyone know :slight_smile:

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Any update on this? particularly for test/production data as it makes out stats a little useless at the moment, especially revenue.

If not, is there a way to be able to create some kind of build switch for test/production projects? I use cloud to produce my different builds, so I could easily set something in there to differentiate between the two projects types, I’ve just not seen a way to change the project ID in code since it was integrated.


Hey @kujo ,

The ability to clear data and also having test/production data separate on the Dashboard are both on our roadmap, they are pretty high on the list of things to implement!