well I created an array for my weapons, and when I change the selected slot of my Inventarory, I want to clear the last gameobject charged by the following code:
bool slotChanged;
int selectedSlot; //That changes
float tempselectedSlot;
int tempSelected;
GameObject Manager; //A simple GameObject that contains a Store
GameObject wCamera; //Another Script that contains PlayerWeapons
PlayerWeapons pWeapons;
void Start() {
pWeapons = wCamera.GetComponent<PlayerWeapons>();
void Update() {
if (selectedSlot > 9) { //That supposedly avoids the array out of index error, but that doesn't avoid anything... Because sometimes that fails...
tempselectedSlot = 0;
} else if(selectedSlot < 0) {
tempselectedSlot = 9;
tempselectedSlot -= Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel")/2; //Mouse ScrollWheel is equals to 1.
selectedSlot = (int)tempselectedSlot;
slotChanged = selectedSlot != tempSelected;
tempSelected = selectedSlot;
if(slotChanged) { //If the selected Slot changes, that actives, and it supposedly clears the main weapon GameObject array, and if there is a new item in the selected slot, charges it...
pWeapons.ClearArray(); //A JS Function that supposedly clears the main array.
if(Slots.HotBarSlots[selectedSlot] != null) { //If the selected Slot contains a Element...
Manager.transform.Find("StoreController").gameObject.GetComponent<DBStoreController>().equipWeapon(pAvoider.transform.Find(Slots.HotBarSlots[selectedSlot].itemname).gameObject.GetComponent<WeaponInfo>(), 0); //That Calls the function equipWeapon, from Manager -> StoreController -> DBStoreController (JS Script)
equipWeapon works so I won’t put the code…
But ClearArray doesn’t works, so there is the problem:
//The problem is that it's in JS (because it's a very big third party code)
function ClearArray() {
var Dweapons = new Array(weapons); //Create a dinamically array from a builtin array
Dweapons.Clear(); //Clear it entire
Dweapons.length = 1; //Set the default length
weapons = Dweapons; //And return a builtin array...
//But for some reason it desn't work, the GameObject is still there when there isn't a item on the selected slot...
All is in the code comments, so read it, and tell me what I’m doing wrong…
Thanks in advance…