I am currently writing some logic that after the game has finished I want to reset all of our current game objects back to their starting locations. I can get the objects to get teleported back to their correct starting locations but it seems after the game countdown and I reenable their activity they will thrust forward. Or in what ever direction they were heading when I teleported it. Is there a way to clear an objects force?
Do they have rigidbodies attached to them and are you manipulating their velocity/adding force to them in any way? If so, just set their velocity to Vector3.zero like so:
rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
If you’re manipulating their position without use of rigidbodies, then it must have something to do with your system.
You can use change your velocity with:
rigidbody.velocity = Vector3.zero;
But you might want to destroy and re-instantiate your object with:
Destroy (gameObject);
Instantiate (prefab, Vector3.zero, Quaternion.identity);