Click a Gui Texture and Trigger Shoot1?

I want to click a gui texture which has a box collider around it and I want it to trigger the shoot1 function.

Is it possible?
and could anyone tell me the script for the function of trigger “shoot1”
thank you :slight_smile:

GUITextures live in Viewport space. Box colliders live in World space. So you cannot have a box collider around a GUITexture. You could have a box collider track a GUITexture or have a GUITexture track a box collider. See Camera.ViewportToWorldPoint() and Camera.WorldToViewportPoint().

As for clicking on a GUITexture, you don’t need a collider. You can add this to a script on the GUITexture:

function OnMouseDown() {

This assumes Shoot1 is in the same script as the OnMouseDown(). If it is not, see:

Accessing Other Game Objects

Accessing Other Components