I am building a ObjectSelector script that every selectable GameObject will use. The class communicates with the class ClickHandler which stores the current selected GameObject.
What is the best approach to register clicks that are not on any of the selectable GameObjects? If the player clicks anywhere in the game I would like the ClickHandler to deselect the active GameObject.
You could deselect it first then if a physics.raycast hits an object that is selectable you select it. To determine if the object is selectable you could have a script (which could be empty) attached.
if (Input.GetButtonDown("Fire1")) {
ClickHandler.SelectedObject = null;
var ray = Camera.main.ScreenPointToRay (Input.mousePosition);
var hit : RaycastHit;
if (Physics.Raycast (ray, hit, 100)) {
if (hit.transform.GetComponent(selectable)) {
ClickHandler.SelectedObject = hit.transform;
The code is not tested but should give you an idea of what to do.
Unity - Manual: Order of execution for event functions states that input events are always processed before any update/coroutines. so I have a behaviour containing OnMouseDown and OnMouseUp handlers on my gameobjects with colliders which detect clicks, and one (singletonized) behaviour doing the same ‘click-detection-logic’ in a coroutine (watching Input.GetMouseButtonDown and Input.GetMouseButtonUp)
when a gameobject with collider detects getting clicked it sets a bool-flag on the singleton (bool clickSourceKnown) true. when the singleton detects a click and clickSourceKnown is false it was a ‘click in the air’ - otherwise it resets the clickSourceKnown to false and continues watching the Input…
you can draw a big big collider around your scene, where you catch the OnClick too.
So you can deselect the last GameObject from the ObjectSelector when you click “anywhere” (anywhere=>click on the big collider around your scene)